Saturday, October 24, 2009


With the increase in board sales and the need for more factory space as well as more wall space for bigger art exhibitions, Harveysurf is moving to a  larger site. We will still be in the Burleigh area, but as the final details have not yet been finalized I will let you all know where and when the big opening will be. The move will be early January ready for the beginning of the surf season on the Goldy. Until then I will still be in the shed creating enough boards to keep everyone happy .

There will be a bigger range of longboards, Alaia surfboards, Alaia blanks, new t-shirt designs and all the necessary accessories as well as more exhibitions. 

A new website is also being launched to coincide with the opening and the release of 16 new super models (not that type of super model, surfboards of course).

Next newsletter will have all the details and the opening night invite, so if you don't get the newsletter you can subscribe by sending an email to with the subject heading SUBSCRIBE TO NEWSLETTER.

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